
Comparing job satisfaction for nurses working in King Khaled Hospital in Hafr Al-Batin, Saudi Arabia

Alharbi, Jalal, مشرف الرسالة العلمية
تاريخ النشر
94 pages
الموضوع الجغرافي
نوع الرسالة الجامعية
الجهة المانحة
University of Haft Al-batin, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Nursing Department
Background : Improving the job satisfaction level of nurses has been found as an effective method of inducing patient-centered care in the healthcare industry. The Saudi health care industry is faced with various challenges when it comes to job satisfaction of nurses which is certified by the low employee retention rate of nurses as well as shortcomings of nurses in Saudi Arabia. For this reason, it was crucial for determining different facets of job satisfaction that can help in enhancing the job satisfaction level of Saudi nurses, which will have a positive impact on the quality of health care facilities and will enable the delivery of patient-centered care cost-effectively.
Methodology : The research methods of this study are inclined toward conducting descriptive research in the natural environment. In addition, a cross-sectional study was executed with the help of exploratory research. The inclusion of a survey based on close-ended questions enabled the researcher to conduct a quantitative analysis to investigate the survey results. A total of 195 participants (nurses) were selected for the survey from King Khaled Hospital in Hafr Al-Batin. To analyze the survey results ANOVA, tables, and, charts were used.
Results: An exact number of 195 nurses participated in this study and helped in the collection of primary data. Almost equal participation was reflected by Saudi national and non-national nurses in the survey. The results showed that the majority of Saudis who work in the nursing profession are males, while the majority of non-Saudis who work in the nursing profession are females. We find that most of the educational qualifications for Saudis bachelor's, while most of the educational qualification for non-Saudis is Diploma. Regarding Years of experience, we found that the majority of Saudi nurses have 15 years or more of experience, and the majority of non-Saudi nurses range between 5-9 years. The results of the survey were used to analyze the significance of different facets of job satisfaction for Saudi nurses which included increased pay and remuneration packages, promotions, quality of supervisor, type of fringe benefits, quality of contingent rewards, quality operating procedures, strong coworker relations, high quality of work, and increased communication. According to these 195 nurses, it was revealed that job satisfaction is essential for identifying their commitment and level of employee motivation in the Saudi health care industry. Most of the Saudi national nurses had high expectations from their jobs in comparison to non-Saudi nurses. The factors that increase the level of job satisfaction are: (Operating policies and procedures, Nature of work, People you work with, and Monetary nonmonetary Fringe benefits).
Conclusion: It was found that low Supervision of Saudi nurses is the primary issue that contributes directly to their low job satisfaction level. Also, the lacks of career progression and promotion opportunities contribute to low job satisfaction level for Saudi nurses. Low rewards are another reason for low job satisfaction in the Saudi nursing industry. On the other hand, it was revealed that there is a difference between the satisfaction level of Saudi national nurses and Saudi non-national nurses. According to the variable, the significant differences related to the nurses whose nationality is Non-Saudis.
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Includes abstract in English language
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